ROUNDTABLE 10. 6. 2022, 17:00 – 18:30 Speakers: Martin Laryš – CBAP chairman, researcher at the Institute of International Relations Prague Miroslav Mareš – Expert on extremism and terrorism, Masaryk University Brno Matěj Kandrík – Director of the Stratpol – Strategic Policy Institute Topics: – Change of narrative for the…
Author: admin_stratcom
presentation given by Alison Goldsworthy Alison Goldsworthy (Ali) has been a political adviser and campaigner for more than twenty years. Her focus for the last seven years has been on polarisation, how do disagree healthily and bridge divides – a theme explored in her debut book Poles Apart. A former…

Phase II – Use cases analysis / Nudge generation workshop
From January 19, we start with the next phase of training, which will focus on the analysis of disinformation narratives. Participants will be able to try out Data Scrapping Tool. Based on the results, they will prepare a case study.

Introductory Lessons
CBAP held introductory lessons in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary during December. We would like to thank evereybody you for attending and are looking forward to your participation in January 2022.
Phase I – Tasks assigning / Iterative workshops
Czech Team: 1.12. 2021 Slovak Team: 2.12. 2021 Polish Team: 14.12. 2021 Hungarian Team: 15.12. 2021 The aim of this phase is to analyze existing COVID-19 related fake news in terms of: a) Source: What was the original source of this information? b) Career: Which social media was driving dissemination…
Applying & Infusing Behavioral Science, Edited by Scott Young & Eric Singler
New book draws on the knowledge and expertise of experts at the BVA Nudge Unit, who have been working with leaders of both public and private sector organizations on applying and infusing behavioral science. You can download here:
Preparatory session: Introductory webinars with experts: Video Recordings
I. Webinar: I. Introduction into Social media and Algorithms: How is disinformation disseminated in social media with a focus on V4? Presented by JOZEF MINTÁL II. Introduction into Behavioral science & Nudging: Why disinformation work? Presented by ERIC SINGLER and SCOTT YOUNG III. COVID case: How COVID disinformation impacted the…
Preparatory session: Introductory webinars with experts; 14. 9. 2021
Training the trainers, Prague, online, 14th September 2021 I. Introduction into Social media and Algorithms: How is disinformation disseminated in social media with a focus on V4? Moderators: Karol Fabián, Jozef Mintál II. Introduction into Behavioral science & Nudging: Why disinformation work? Moderators: Eric Singler, Scott Young III. COVID case:…